
Monday, February 28, 2022


Don’t take



so serious

as to ruin

your day.

 there is risk of taking

things to serious.


Wait that’s not me,

I tend not to take things serious enough

But that is for another day.

It bothers me to see someone so disgruntled that they can ruin their day and seriously

Dampen the spirits of those around them

Over a stupid inconvenience.

Bent out of shape,

Attitude souring.

Live in the world of I am so serious when

True suffering is happening.

Rising above the petty

Not for self righteous.

But to personally survive,

Leave the anger to achieve,

 A mirror on balance to see that you can succeed,

At letting the incoscionsiquential fill of it all pass on by.

For the alternative is just ugly and all to common,

To let go of the chip on your shoulder.

Brush it to the side,

I know that not everything goes as expected.

But people now

just take a couple of breaths,

And understand this.

If you can handle the stupid stuff,

You have so much more to give,

Even if it starts with one smile.

This is where I want to live. 

.kevin l. lakes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Penny saved



Thoughts making the difference

thoughts where do they come from.

Catch and release,

Some can not and do not apply.

Practice this takes,

Hard sometimes to dismiss

Fit to handle the emotions rise

and fall as the thoughts do make a difference.

What you think about

The words influence.

The mood your in can decide,

How you react to these callings.

Hope you can stay focused to find,

This rush to meaning must we have,

Passing the judgment we stumble along.

After making the judgment the mind is closed.

Fact not all we base our views on,

Thoughts that stick with us do we choose.

I can’t remember all that I know,

Some remains to show,

A pattern reoccurring.

With maturity my perspective is narrowing,

Learning not to settle for distraction,

Thought should be your

Penny earned.

.kevin lloyd lakes.


Saturday, February 19, 2022


I can’t remember


the details not exactly clear.

the sounds echo faint,

at the location brings me close,

to tears after so many years,

waves causing turbulence lap more gently now.

still some emotional hang-ups even after

many years gone

some impressions never removed.

still here though,

this lately I have come to see,

signs of a foundation I thought had eluded me.

I am wrong again,

No set of directions,

 No manual does life comes with.

Still I am finding,

Some outcomes worth forgetting,

The way better understood,

And that for today like most days

I keep giving it a shot,

And that’s the best I have got.

.kevin lloyd lakes.

Friday, February 18, 2022



Then came along June


this the best I can do.

change to the thing that comes next,

Fuel as thought

I am action less.

Back and forth the cadence

best that I can do,

all I have to say,

Hopes of a one day.

Trigger me to write,

Keep building.

all I have to say,

The slipping of time,

closeness to the edge,

frustrating disappointment churning,

for the loosing,

serves only what might have been,

move around the next bend,

Change to the next so serious I sometimes feel.

Lighten up and just make a smile.

Inside the voices some lies compete,

Let them exhaust until they tire,

truth my purpose,

I think and care,

and I wait baited

for a while.

.kevin lloyd lakes


Wednesday, February 16, 2022


with remembrance of those who have died


I start a new page,

I return to the work,

With a renewed sense of pride.

Sense of smell and hunger pangs,

Opportunity knocks

With building blocks,

They’re my foundation to build upon.

State of readiness,

Clear as this picture gets.

Thick the haze behind me,

Show of support for those who have it worse than me.

Whom feel the struggle more painfully,

Each new day a cause for hope and sanctuary,

the silence is now a friend to me,

Loosing the comfort of predictability,

Giving up fear

Gaining a cautious joy.

I am here and right now well,

Not feeling pressure,

Freedom from the pull.

The pull of each tick of time,

Gravity grounding each new choice,

 so sure I would not be here,

I think this time my approach not to steer.

Allow the healing,

All that I hold dear,

Time shows that it is clear,

The next breath so far

 is almost always near.

 .kevin lloyd lakes.


Monday, February 14, 2022


It has been brought to my attention


I don’t care,

Or may be I am not aware,

My message to prepare,

This my intent.

I have said this thing with all of life not being fair.

I see hope in each time I draw a new breath.

Do you understand this.

 Not in my power,

Take with a grain of salt,

Positive movement I try to lead,

Anger and frustration I admit,

Always not cheerful,

But in hope I have plenty,

Not all the answers,

  is why I still can see,

In the actions of others,

Growing beauty

Crystal clear when unselfish,

The acts they come to be,

Sharing of the talents,

Next step to free.

These are just messages,

your interpretation

depends on thee.

.kevin lloyd lakes


Sunday, February 13, 2022


Is it such a stretch


can it be,

can you stand it,

will this life allow it,

procrastination to the point of avoidance.

Can you give up your dreaming,

To make them your new life.

Change the point your view,

don’t miss the progress.

Find the footing it takes

address the people which makes.

the difference you find,

Is really in the attitude you choose.

Responsible you are,

Thanks for that.

For the baggage you carry,

Is a waste of energy.

 sit and stare

waste so much time there.

remember what blossoms,

happens not all at once,

only when the rightness of time comes,

will the narrow path you’re on be shown,

When you are ready and being ready it is known.

That you are right where you are meant to be,

However there is still work to be done,

because you have lingered long,

 past the onset these feelings of change come.

So move on

keep saying go until you find,

You have already gone.

.kevin lloyd lakes.



Saturday, February 12, 2022




still the want is more,

can you say you know,

just how unpacked are you.

we all have our bars,

constructed by our own hands the hardest to overcome.

we struggle against those imposed upon us,

only up in arms to horrendous injustice.

There is no news when you hold yourself in bondage,

resigned to the fact that’s just the way it is.

We give up control.

We just get stuck.

We pride ourselves in just making the best of it.

How we delude and justify,

And dream and fear a future that is not set or secure.

Some stay in bad situations just to avoid insecurity.

Bad is not always obvious especially if it is of our own design,

We can not move forward until there is a place to move,

It is a life traffic jam

And if you are not happy with where you are,

Find the courage to change.

Trust the value of this development.

Freedom is a choice that we forget to choose

For the most we find change scary,

But for some like me,

The lack of character finds the lazy.

.kevin lloyd lakes.



Friday, February 11, 2022


My opinion is


causing judgments.

I ask politely

what you think.

guarded statements

only part of the truth.

but what then

 do I really want to know,

maybe only the good I am wanting,

the part to hold me up.

Thick skin I will be needing

not the least or the most

 reputation worried,

feelings of the rejection.

I am practiced,

 been crushed there before,

soon to pass away.

fear still has its grips,

the wheels of progress

don’t always proceed.

My solemn will,

to market leading,

to serve up one more time,

the outcome is clouded as always,

feelings in the hopeful,

that this effort fills a need.

 Something like hunger

And the nourishment.

but then what and when

vanished any special meaning

when reduced to mere merchandise.

.kevin lloyd lakes.

Thursday, February 10, 2022




to try to

keep up with

current demands.

on time,

of money.

with attitude,

searching for meaning in the land of plenty.

I am encouraged by the steps that take me,

out of

my own way.

As not to interfere

Where fear,

Use to take hold.

Patience wearing thin from time to time.

Wanting more progress,

Pride gets in the way.

Pit of my being


Finding it hard to stay,

positive to push direct.

At this moment.


.kevin lloyd lakes.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022


Daily Struggles


Seem mundane,

As is always the case,

Unless you are inspired

muster the strength.

 To become strong,

You have the will.

Find that you are willing

When inspired.

 pay attention when you hear,

The sound the smile makes.

See the response crystal clear,

The effortlessness.

The sharing

Spontaneous joy,

Allowing you

To be you.

It’s easy.

sort of

 .kevin lloyd lakes.

Tuesday, February 08, 2022


Do thoughts define you,


Do words make a difference,

Merely actions telling the tale.

Waiting on the answers,

What line crossed

Between success and delusion,

Or successful delusion.


meaning most of all.

this donkey to pull the cart on and on until,

Wanted or needed the desire to fulfill.

If only fleeting with completeness,

Success is success,

Material world fleeting,

When satisfied the prize gets changed,

Upgraded for this age appropriateness,

Narrow Way onward like this to

The end.

.kevin lloyd lakes.

Saturday, February 05, 2022


When plans fall short


and there is nothing left to follow through

eat, drink, and be

happy you are left

with the pieces that make up you

a chance to try again

to be



With skills

Unique to only you

With a perspective that

Is never duplicated in history

With the dirty word potential to

Change the course of those you contact

With the power to be a guiding force for

The plans that do come true.

.kevin lloyd lakes.

Friday, February 04, 2022


Action is visual truth


facts for life

If you keep your head down and your eye on the ball,

Keep your feet on the ground,

Focus on the target,

And the evaluate each attempt.

The process starts over each time you make an attempt,

It is only a game,

who wins at life,

The one best suited to deal with adversity,

Unfair outcomes occur when you have done everything correctly,

Good outcomes occur sometimes when you don’t deserve them,

Confidence in your aim is crucial,

The attitude you choose should not be determined after,

Did I say that it is not fair,

It is not fair.

If you keep a level head and you move forward,

Progress will be made,

Life is how you look at it,

stand on it until you see,

All the energy you spend is to propel you on your course,

And the more you feel crushed,

the further you are going, 

Living life,

depends how you look at things,

disappointment has been my best fuel,

excitement my true guide,

each new day is a new attempt,

being stuck is worse than being hurt,

Recovery is not automatic you must work there too,

sometimes going backward can help the most,

you have to be available to meet with each new challenge,

observe the change as it comes,

you must be aware in life that there are real dangers,

 to over analyze the past can paralyze future attempts,

to over project into the future creates surplus fear,

let go of the past and the future and to know,

Being present to the moment,

Is the only place you can allow yourself to be in motion,

And remember that confidence is the guide,

  finish each attempt strong,

And hope for the best.

.kevin lloyd lakes.


Happiness does not have to be a by-product


it is an attitude you wear,

it covers you like a blanket,

if you forgot how to,

just choose to smile,

just find the energy to find that,

however you are is changeable,

if questions you can muster,

and then you must discover,

who do you want to become,

meet this person as you stare in the mirror.

find the smile how you can begin with just one,

practice while walking showing it to everyone,

keep it with you until it becomes you,

wear the attitude of this positive direction,

know that the corner you see ahead is the next intersection,

 with caution to start and then the physical turning gives you momentum and speed to head into your new direction.

Hang on to how you feel,

for before too long it gets real.

Find the words to express the accomplishments of each new day.

Even if your accomplishment for the day is remembering to breathe,

 track how many deep breaths you used to calm yourself down.

  It is only through continual demarcation that we can see that the person you have become,

 Not just older than the one you used to be. 

It is true that you get older. 


To keep the momentum,

  Smile even if sometimes it hurts,

Just keep wearing the smile, 

You will feel lighter for the effort,

the test is to make a choice,

That is happiness.

.kevin lloyd lakes.

Thursday, February 03, 2022


the labels only fit the symptoms


doing what I am doing,

can’t seem to get it right,

seeing the way it can be done,

learning the difference between what I have become,

finding the courage along the way,

stepping the steps and truth I crave,

stress not good under.

frozen unmotion.

Tug of the war.

wonder and wander I travel,

sight through seeing I look

out for the signals that signify,

the feelings of forward,

onward and upward I hope.

The voices competing

 for attention,

 the mind producing desires,

to bring in the symptoms that display the wellness

I have come to perceive. 

.kevin lloyd lakes.


Tuesday, February 01, 2022

I have at times thought myself crazy,


Find the time


as I walk I think,

I try not to lose

Focus of the fact

That getting to the destination is the goal.

It is not always pretty,

I am not ever perfect,

Sometimes I get lost,

 sometime angry and scared,

most of the time I get

Where I am going,

This is my point,

As I think about life as preparation,

I look at where I have come from,

As I look at life right now I start to understand,

Life doesn’t always send me where I think it should

I have at times thought myself crazy,

But I now know that the label only fit the symptoms,

And that crazy was a defense that helped my mind cope,

I came to a point in the journey when life sent me the unexpected.

I have only just come to realize all preparation it takes 

for these cardinal moments.

Those that survive long enough to gain the perspective to find,

That most of us use crazy only for part of the time,

Knowing that through all the experiences we finally adapt,

 make us uniquely suited for the next.

.kevin lloyd lakes.


keep on lingering


 keep on lingering


returning over and over

to say this time,

will be The time,

the message to help me get beyond.

To glimpse another perception,

deluded for me to think,

coming back to see,

what I already know,

what the effects will mean,

searching for what

I already have.

Forget the memory

a tool to deceive,

causes me to chase my tail.

The message is clear,

the path that is set out before.

faith as I have before.

take hold of the next rung.

pull as the training has shown how,

all experiences are of help to,

remember where I have come from,

let go of now,

This is the time to

decide the important,

and the time will march

onward until

I will be welcomed back.

 .kevin lloyd lakes.